For now, moneyless means just expense sharing. Income sharing will come later as we grow and develop ways to reduce and eventually eliminate earned wages and substitute outside products and services with our own labor.
At this stage, egalitarian means all decisions need to be unanimous. Dissenters are encouraged to form their own separate, but federated communities. We will do our best to help them develop the leadership it takes to do that. Later, a self-selecting council of Elders with representation from all the networked communities will be established. Their primary role is to be guardians of the vision and to facilitate periodic review and revision.
Membership is voluntary and open to anyone who will support the vision for New Covenant House. Prospects will be assigned a membership coordinator who will ensure that there is alignment of expectations and assist with role assignment, education and placement into a New Covenant House community. The prospect will go through a series of developmental stages before final acceptance into a community as a full member.
Counselors with special skills or training will be appointed to manage and assist with meeting facilitation, conflict resolution, general and specific education and leadership development.
About You
At this time, we expect the ideal candidate to have means to initially cover their own share of food, clothing, insurance and utilities. Christian faith or community experience is helpful but not required. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are also helpful. Above all, an open mind and a willingness to learn is essential.