Wednesday, March 27, 2024

On Voting


Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

In the days of Samuel, the Israelites wanted a king “such as all the other nations have.” That's a bad idea, he said. Here's why and then he gives them a long list of calamities that will happen to them if they go ahead with that plan. But the Israelites insisted, so God gave them Saul, young, tall and handsome; nothing about  his character, just his appearance. Of course it was a disaster and to this day we still suffer from that terrible mistake.

In time, almost everyone could see that one, or even a few, ruling the many wasn't so great after all. Some very smart people thought they could fix it, so they gave us democracy. But alas, the rich and powerful could still manipulate the vote through the deception that 51 ruling the 49 would somehow be an actual step up. Moreover, by participating in the voting process, the losers become accomplices in the tyranny of the majority. 

In a few months, many Americans will go to vote, but not I. The state is inherently corrupt and it is for this reason I do not vote, but there is hope. There is a solution.

Stop worshiping power, wealth and possessions. Those things only ruin the relationships we have with one another. It turns us into enemies. Instead, turn to the well being of all of humanity as our collective reason for being here. Make it your job to be a blessing for everyone else. If everyone did that, there would be no one left to suffer.

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

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