Soon, it will be four years since I took the first public steps to begin planning for New Covenant House as an Intentional Christian Community, a modern day monastery. The idea had been brewing in my mind for years, but the New Covenant House Facebook page was the first public manifestation.
Years in church leadership had taught me how important it is to be clear about why we are doing what we do. This year it also became clear that it is not enough to know why. You also need to be able to communicate it to others.
Let me be clear, we do want to be open and inclusive. Everyone who is willing can be saved. However, building a new community takes a lot of energy. We need to spend it wisely. Like it or not, for now we have to be exclusive. We will only be looking for people who can help move the project forward. We need to be of one heart and one mind. Everyone else will have to wait a little while longer.
Right now, my biggest wish is to get some feedback on the communication we already have and some ideas for taking it to the next level. The biggest step we could take next year I think would be to test the concept with a real person in real life.
In order to attract the right startup group, I created a simple website that explains what it is we are trying to accomplish. In order to reach the best suitable candidates, our Foundations document now also includes a statement of faith. Our faith is what provides all the values that guide us in everything we do. I hope it will help you decide whether New Covenant House is for you or not. Read it. Then give us a call to schedule a visit or a phone or video call.