They had everything in common and there was not a needy person among them, says Luke in his account of the movement started by the first Christians. If they had an answer to suffering, why is there still people in need today? The answer is the sin of disobedience. Instead of following Jesus' very simple instructions to love God and to love one another, we are mostly concerned with hoarding wealth for ourselves or finding ways to dominate others.
My vision for New Covenant House is to restore the Garden of Eden. Clearly, that is what God wants for us. That is our ultimate goal, but like some wise guy said, every journey starts with the first step. There is much to unlearn. There is much to learn anew or learn again.
If you have been around intentional communities for a while, you will know that efforts have come and gone. With that statistic in mind, why would New Covenant House be one to survive? The answer is that we have a clear vision for where we are going. The most resilient intentional communities in history have been monastic orders. Some traditional ones have been around for centuries. More modern ones have also been around for more than a few decades. They have made mistakes for sure. Sometimes they have been caught up in power struggles just like everyone else, but they are still around and we can learn from both what they did right as well as what they did wrong.
Some other wise guy said that if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Restoring the Garden of Eden is pretty far to go from where we are now. I have taken the first step by creating a Foundations document outlining what it is I have in mind, but I have reached the limit of what I can do alone. The journey has come to a halt. I am looking for a companion to take the next step, someone who can add the missing pieces and make it understandable for others who might want to join us.
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